
Updated Admission Date – CSOP Shares

30 June 2022

Further to the Company's announcement earlier today (the "Announcement") regarding the exercise of options to subscribe for an aggregate of 3,986,499 new Ordinary Shares which have been exercised under the Group's existing Company Share Option Plan ('CSOP'), application has since been updated for the 3,986,499 new Ordinary Shares to now be admitted to trading on AIM at 8:00 a.m. on 1 July 2022. Following admission of the new Ordinary Shares, the Company's issued ordinary share capital will comprise 162,511,371 Ordinary Shares, none of which are held in treasury.

Defined terms in this announcement unless otherwise defined shall have the same meaning as those in the Announcement.




Lords Group Trading plc

Via Buchanan

Shanker Patel, Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466 5000

Chris Day, Chief Financial Officer


Cenkos Securities plc (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)

Tel: +44 (0)20 7397 8900

Ben Jeynes / Max Gould / Dan Hodkinson (Corporate Finance)


Alex Pollen (Sales)



Berenberg (Joint Broker)

Matthew Armitt / Richard Bootle / Ciaran Walsh


Tel: +44 (0)20 3207 7800

Buchanan Communications

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466 5000

Henry Harrison-Topham / Stephanie Whitmore/ Kim Looringh-van Beeck / Abby Gilchrist

[email protected]


The following notifications are intended to satisfy the Company's obligations under Article 19(3) of the Market Abuse Regulation.